Saturday, November 14, 2020

Another Portrait of a Girl

 This was an anime character I got inspired by from Instagram, I dont remember the account right now, otherwise I would have linked it. This one was also painted the same time as Gandalf - late Oct 2019

Gandalf the Grey

 I was home for Diwali in 2019 and I painted this after getting inspired (by some random LOTR scene, or quote or music !)

Portrait of a Girl in Oil

 This was the first time my painting a portrait in Oil. I like how it turned out in the end.

Bob Ross - Distant Mountains

 I followed along one of Bob Ross videos on YouTube (this one)

It was a lot of fun following Bob Ross and his soothing painting style. My knife wasn't the proper one required so the mountains came out a bit weird, but apart from that I feel this one looks decent.

Storm Onslaught

 A kind of abstract and not-so-good painting of an upcoming storm on distant hills.

A Starry Sky

Just a scene of a starry night with coniferous trees all around.

Starting Oil Again

 I had last used oil in late 2013. In September 2019, I thought I should maybe start with Oil again. My office work was getting a little monotonous, so I decided to make my weekends a little more fruitful. This is an inspiration taken one of Aarzoo Khurana's photographs (here).

I wanted an image with more flowing colours and less details to paint as I was just starting again. Of course, it looks nothing like the original but it was good practice!


 Long time no see again. For some time now, I had been posting my paintings/sketches to Instagram. I had even posted older sketches. However, I want to get a little serious about photography, and maintain my current Instagram profile as my photography portfolio(a fancy word I know!). Therefore, I'll be putting my artworks here.

I sketched this one in December 2017. It was a request from a friend nagging me since second 2nd year of college. Finally in my final year of college, I found the time ! Final year is, anyway, the time to fulfill wishes.